Chris Jones


Email [email protected]
Ward East
Party Affiliation Independent
Office None
Committee Membership Economy & Environment, Services
Strategy & Corporate Projects


Originally from Bristol, I moved to Newtown in 2004 with my family. My wife has Welsh heritage and we wanted to raise our 3 children in a rural area. My employment experience includes many years in independent retail and work as a plumber, alongside community work with children and young people. In 2010, I began work supporting children with Special Educational Needs. I found this very rewarding and gained qualifications in mental health support and therapy. In 2020, with 3 friends, I established a CIC aiming to provide creative opportunities in Newtown. During the pandemic we opened Clwb DJ Club and have also collaborated with several Newtown organisations to host free community events in our town.
I love Newtown for its fresh air, its beautiful surroundings and the warmth of its community. I appreciate its low crime rates and that it is a safe place to raise children. I enjoy learning about Welsh history and culture, walking in the countryside and being close to the coast and mountains. There is so much going on here and many groups working hard to make our town an even better place to live.
I’ve always found community work fulfilling and have had many voluntary roles over the years, I am applying to be a Town Councillor because I can draw on a broad range of experience, have a genuine interest in understanding how a town is organised and how the different voices in a community can pull together successfully to achieve a goal. I understand that Newtown, as everywhere, also has its challenges, both socially and economically, and am passionate about working to overcome these. want to help celebrate Newtown, foster civic pride and make it the best place to live, work and play!

Councillor Stats

Date took Office – 25.7.2022 (The start of continuous service)


DNA = data not available
X = Councillor not in office

Attendance Record

Your Council’s decisions are made at meetings of the council or its committees.  Your Councillors have a duty to attend all meetings of the Council and meetings of the Committees of which they are members, unless an absence is approved by the meeting for a stated reason, for example a council duty elsewhere or ill-health.

Note that some councillors have been required to attend more meetings than others by reason, for example, of a shorter term of office or lesser number of committees to which elected, so the reader is advised to consider both the total number and the percentage when interpreting the attendance record.

Year (April – Mar) Total Required Meetings Total Required Meetings Attended (including Approved Absences) % of Required Duty Met Other Meetings Attended
May 22 – May 23 20 18 90 2
2023 – 2024 36 30 83 0
2024 – 2025        
2025 – 2026        
2026 – 2027        


Training Record

There are no legal requirements for councillors to undertake training either before or after being elected.  However, this Council does require that all councillors undertake Code of Conduct training within six months of taking office and encourages all councillors to take advantage of training offered by organisations operating in the local council sector.

Year Course
2022-23 Code of Conduct – Module 9
  How to Market Your Parish / Town / Community to Attract Visitors
  New Councillor Induction
2023-24 Planning Policy for Beginners


Outside Body Appointments

Year Outside Body

Treowen Community Hall Association


Newtown Town Partnership

2024-25 Newtown Town Partnership
  Treowen Community Hall Association
  Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth Rail Passengers Association


Project Leads and other Responsibilities

Project Start Date End Date 
Newtown Food Festival 2022  
Youth Mentor 2023  
Newtown Town Partnership 2023 March 2024
Corporate Risk Assessment Working Party June 2024  
PPST1 Safety on Paths Sept 2024  
CA1: Increase the range of attractions for teen / young people. (zipline, trampoline park, water park, climbing walls) (see Supporting Evidence: Community Comments) (Links with project PP CF3). Nov 2024  


Declarations of Interests

Your Councillors are obliged to observe the Code of Conduct.  In doing so they will declare their personal and prejudicial interests in matters being discussed in meetings.  Note that in Wales councillors are not required to declare interests in a Resister of Interests, but must declare them whenever they occur in meetings.

Chris Jones Declarations of Interests 2022-2027

Payments to Members

Your Councillors are entitled to payments (remuneration) at levels determined by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales though they may choose to opt out of all or some of the payments.  Note that some councillors may have lesser entitlement if joining or ceasing part way through the year.

The total amounts shown here, are made up of various allowances including a care allowance.

Year Total Payments
May 2022- May 23 £403.85
2023-24 £810.00

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