If you are passionate about your local community, it needs you, so would you like to become a town councillor?

Councillors can make a huge difference to the quality of life of local people and how local issues are dealt with. They can be people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect the communities they serve. This is your chance to have your voice heard and allow others to have their voice heard too.

Your town council currently has one vacancy, West Ward.

This is your chance to take an active role in your local community, contributing to the delivery of local services, shaping the local environment, enabling others, defining plans and policies, and influencing decisions.

Town Clerk Ed Humphreys invites potential candidates for co-option to your town council “If you have ideas to help make this community a better place to live, learn, work, or visit, and feel able to persuade others of their benefit over their cost, this is your opportunity. Being a town councillor is one of the ways to work with others try to put your ideas into practice for the benefit of the community as a whole.

It is important that councillors come from a diverse range of ages, gender, ethnicity, abilities, experience and other backgrounds, so I encourage people from all walks of life not to be backwards in coming forwards. There are professional, qualified, skilled and experienced staff here to help you.”

To find out more about the role, please contact us at 01686 625544 or email

The application deadline is midday on 12/11/2024.

CV4 Notice of Co-Option West Ward 071024


Os ydych chi’n angerddol am eich cymuned leol, mae ei hangen arnoch, felly hoffech chi ddod yn aelod o gyngor tref?

Gall cynghorwyr wneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i ansawdd bywyd pobl leol a sut y mae problemau lleol yn cael eu trin. Gallant fod yn bobl o bob cefndir a phrofiad sy’n adlewyrchu’r cymunedau y maent yn eu gwasanaethu. Dyma eich cyfle i gael eich llais clywed a chaniatáu i eraill gael eu llais clywed hefyd.

Mae gan eich cyngor tref ar hyn o bryd un swydd wag, Ward y Gorllewin.

Dyma eich cyfle i chwarae rhan weithredol yn eich cymuned leol, gan gyfrannu at ddarparu gwasanaethau lleol, llywio’r amgylchedd lleol, galluogi eraill, diffinio cynlluniau a pholisïau, ac effeithio ar benderfyniadau.

Mae Ysgrifennydd y Dref, Ed Humphreys, yn gwahodd ymgeiswyr posibl am gyd-ddethol i’ch cyngor tref “Os oes gennych syniadau i helpu i wneud y gymuned hon yn lle gwell i fyw, dysgu, gweithio, neu ymweld â hi, ac os teimlwch eich bod yn gallu perswadio eraill o’u budd dros eu cost, dyma’ch cyfle. Mae bod yn gynghorydd tref yn un o’r ffyrdd i weithio gyda phobl eraill i geisio rhoi eich syniadau yn ymarferol er lles y gymuned yn ei chyfanrwydd.

Mae’n bwysig bod cynghorwyr yn dod o amrywiaeth eang o oedrannau, rhyw, ethnigrwydd, galluoedd, profiad a chefndiroedd eraill, felly rwy’n annog pobl o bob cefndir i beidio â chael eu colli. Mae staff proffesiynol, cymwys, medrus a phrofiadol yma i’ch helpu.”

I gael mwy o wybodaeth am y rôl, cysylltwch â ni ar 01686 625544 neu anfonwch ebost at

Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ymgeisio yw hanner dydd ar 12/11/2024.

CV4 Notice of Co-Option West Ward 071024 

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