Walking Newtown Town Trails
These town trails are discovery and adventure activities in the centre of Newtown. Fun for the whole family and educational too.
Town Trail 1 is a history walk and treasure hunt to find the answers to clues. Download the map and see if you can get all the answers. Answers on the web site.
Town Trail 2 is a nature walk in Dolerw Park and around the old Motte and Bailey Castle ruins.
Town Trail 3 is a walk to learn about Newtown’s famous son, Robert Owen, entrepreneur and humanitarian who founded the cooperative movement and was one of the most influential social reformers of his day.
Town Trail 4 is a town stroll linking the heritage plaques that explain Newtown’s rich history. Click on the QR codes at each site for more info.
Town Trail 5 is a foraging stroll in the centre of Newtown developed by Cultivate to provide a source of free, healthy food.