Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn Town Councils was pleased to welcome Dyfed Powys Police Neighbourhood Team to its full council meeting held on 20th May 2024. The meeting featured a presentation by Police Sergeant Charlotte Jennings, accompanied by PCSO Craig Clayton, who shared valuable information and insight about the work the neighbourhood team is doing within our community, their areas of focus, and current campaigns.

During the presentation, the following key topics were covered:

Neighbourhood Team Composition: The team can support the response team if required, ensuring continued police presence and service even when resources are stretched.

Current Force Priorities: These include addressing domestic violence, stalking, harassment, drug dealing, rape, and sexual assault.

Violence Against Women and Girls: Special attention is being given to key sites during the autumn and winter months.

Domestic Violence Safety Kits: Implementation of these kits, along with increased use of CCTV and house-to-house enquiries to enhance safety.

County Lines and Substance Misuse: Emphasised the critical role of public information in combating these issues.

Neighbourhood Disputes and Anti-Social Behaviour: Ongoing efforts to manage and resolve local conflicts.

Mental Health Challenges: Recognising the rising challenges around mental health, particularly during seasonal events such as Halloween and Bonfire Night

Local Initiatives: Introduction of initiatives such as BoBB (Behave or Be Banned), SaBB (Steal and Be Banned), and volunteer cadet programs for 13-17-year-olds.

Additional Commitments: community surgeries, patrols, and open days.

Your town council extended its gratitude to Dyfed Powys Police for their time and the valuable insights shared during the meeting and looks forward to continuing collaborative efforts to enhance the safety and well-being of our community.


Roedd Cynghorau Tref y Drenewydd a Llanllwchaearn yn falch o groesawu Tîm Cymdogaeth Heddlu Dyfed Powys i’w gyfarfod llawn a gynhaliwyd ar 20 Mai 2024. Yn ystod y cyfarfod, cyflwynodd Rhingyll yr Heddlu Charlotte Jennings, ynghyd â PCSO Craig Clayton, wybodaeth ac mewnwelediadau gwerthfawr am waith y tîm cymdogaeth yn ein cymuned, eu meysydd ffocws, a’r ymgyrchoedd cyfredol.

Yn ystod y cyflwyniad, trafodwyd y pynciau allweddol canlynol:

Cyfansoddiad y Tîm Cymdogaeth: Gall y tîm gefnogi’r tîm ymateb os oes angen, gan sicrhau presenoldeb a gwasanaeth parhaus yr heddlu hyd yn oed pan mae adnoddau’n brin.

Blaenoriaethau Cyfredol y Llu: Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys mynd i’r afael â thrais domestig, stelcio, aflonyddu, gwerthu cyffuriau, treisio, a thrais rhywiol.

Trais yn Erbyn Merched a Merched: Rhoddir sylw arbennig i safleoedd allweddol yn ystod misoedd yr hydref a’r gaeaf.

Citiau Diogelwch Trais Domestig: Gweithredu’r citiau hyn, ynghyd â mwy o ddefnydd o CCTV ac ymholiadau tŷ-i-dŷ i wella diogelwch.

County Lines a Chamddefnyddio Sylweddau: Pwysleisiwyd rôl hollbwysig gwybodaeth gyhoeddus wrth frwydro yn erbyn y materion hyn.

Anghydfodau Cymdogaeth ac Ymddygiad Gwrthgymdeithasol: Ymdrechion parhaus i reoli a datrys gwrthdaro lleol.

Heriau Iechyd Meddwl: Cydnabod yr heriau cynyddol o amgylch iechyd meddwl, yn enwedig yn ystod digwyddiadau tymhorol fel Calan Gaeaf a Noson Tân Gwyllt.

Menterau Lleol: Cyflwyno mentrau fel BoBB (Behave or Be Banned), SaBB (Steal and Be Banned), a rhaglenni cadet gwirfoddol ar gyfer pobl ifanc 13-17 oed.

Ymrwymiadau Ychwanegol: Llawfeddygiaethau cymunedol, patrolau, a dyddiau agored.

Estynnodd eich cyngor tref ei ddiolchiadau i Heddlu Dyfed Powys am eu hamser a’r mewnwelediadau gwerthfawr a rannwyd yn ystod y cyfarfod ac edrych ymlaen at barhau â’r ymdrechion cydweithredol i wella diogelwch a lles ein cymuned.

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