With the approaching 200th anniversary of the construction of the stone bridge, Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn Town Council is delighted to announce that the Newtown & District Civic Society has expressed its willingness to collaborate in securing alternative funding for the renovation of the Longbridge.

Due to unavailability of funding through Powys County Council, this partnership demonstrates the strong community spirit and dedication to preserving the historical heritage of Newtown. At a recent Strategy & Corporate Projects Committee meeting, the Newtown & District Civic Society took a proactive stance, offering its assistance to Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn Town Council to try to secutr funding for a restoration project.

Longbridge holds immense historical significance and has been an integral part of Newtown’s community for generations.

A town council spokesperson said “A partnership between the town council and the civic society represents the essence of community-led initiatives, where residents and organisations join hands to protect and enhance our shared heritage. Further details regarding the joint efforts and fundraising initiatives will be shared in due course. Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn Town Council looks forward to working closely with the Newtown & District Civic Society to try to secure the necessary resources for the restoration of this treasured landmark.”

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