Please find below the agenda for the upcoming Town Partnership meeting being held at Antur Cymru Enterprise Meeting Room which is above the Antur Cymru shop, 3a Bear Lanes, Newtown SY16 2QZ on Tuesday May the 21st.
Please arrive at 5.30 for a 6pm start, we should be finished by 7.45pm
1. Welcome, apologies for absence, meeting etiquette
2. Minutes from last meeting 29/4/24
3. Matters arising
4. Town Partnership development: Verbal updates from sector representatives i.e. business, 3rd sector, local authority
5. Discussion followed by vote by show of hands to accept/consider/reject offer from Ben Littley of Newtown I.T. Solutions to manage Town Partnership mailing list.
6. Guest speaker: Jo Lewis from Mid Wales Tourism to give a presentation about iMi, a new customer loyalty and behaviour tracking app for Wales
7. Reports and updates: Independent Newtown FB group, business Whataspp group, Urdd 2024 best dressed town competition, Gravel car park litter problem, Gull activity, list of upcoming events.
8. AOB, items for future agenda, date and venue of next meeting
We are pleased to share that the partnership has well over 100 members and continues to grow. Here’s your chance to join us and share your thoughts, ideas, and any concerns you may have about our town. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of our community. If you need further information or have specific questions, please feel free to get in touch with Councillor Chris Jones at

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