Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn Town Council is delighted to announce there will be extra funding for priority themes for the October round of Community Fund Grants.

These “priority theme” grants are designed to enhance the quality of life for residents through targeted community initiatives. Funding has been allocated to support projects addressing key community needs, including litter reduction, cleanliness education, and sustainable transportation.

£5,000 will be devoted to reducing food litter in the town centre, open spaces, and residential areas. Applications could include proposals to organise community clean-up events, install additional waste bins, and launch public awareness campaigns. The aim is to create a cleaner and more welcoming environment for all residents by providing the necessary resources and materials.

An additional £1,000 will be available for promotional and educational schemes focused on keeping the town clean. This effort seeks to educate the public on the importance of maintaining a clean town through the creation of promotional materials, workshops, and events. Applications are invited from organisations including Newtown Primary and Secondary Schools, local media outlets, and community volunteers. For example, educational programs in schools can play a vital role in teaching children the value of environmental stewardship and encouraging residents to actively maintain cleanliness.

A further £1,000 will be allocated to support various community transport projects.  Applications could include proposals such as car share schemes, electric car and campervan pools, communal school buses and bike programs, and traffic-free days. The goal is to reduce the town’s carbon footprint, promote healthier lifestyles, and alleviate transportation challenges for residents.

These initiatives are part of Newtown’s broader strategy to foster a sustainable and vibrant community. The council encourages local organisations to participate in these programs and contribute to the town’s ongoing efforts to improve living standards and environmental health.

The deadline for the October round of Community Fund Grants is midnight on 30th September. Applications are invited for priority and non-priority themes .

For application packs and more information about our community grants, please visit our website at, email us at, or call us at 01686 625544.


Mae Cyngor Tref y Drenewydd a Llanllwchaearn yn falch o gyhoeddi y bydd cyllid ychwanegol ar gael ar gyfer themâu blaenoriaeth ar gyfer rownd mis Hydref o Grantiau Cronfa Gymunedol.

Mae’r grantiau “themâu blaenoriaeth” hyn wedi’u cynllunio i wella ansawdd bywyd trigolion trwy fentrau cymunedol wedi’u targedu. Mae cyllid wedi’i neilltuo i gefnogi prosiectau sy’n mynd i’r afael ag anghenion allweddol y gymuned, gan gynnwys lleihau sbwriel, addysg lanweithdra, a chludiant cynaliadwy.

Bydd £5,000 yn cael ei neilltuo i leihau sbwriel bwyd yn y dref, mannau agored, ac ardaloedd preswyl. Gall ceisiadau gynnwys cynigion i drefnu digwyddiadau glanhau cymunedol, gosod biniau gwastraff ychwanegol, a lansio ymgyrchoedd ymwybyddiaeth gyhoeddus. Y nod yw creu amgylchedd glanach a mwy croesawgar i bawb trwy ddarparu’r adnoddau a’r deunyddiau angenrheidiol.

Bydd £1,000 ychwanegol ar gael ar gyfer cynlluniau hyrwyddo ac addysgol sy’n canolbwyntio ar gadw’r dref yn lân. Mae’r ymdrech hon yn ceisio addysgu’r cyhoedd am bwysigrwydd cynnal tref lan trwy greu deunyddiau hyrwyddo, gweithdai, a digwyddiadau. Gwneir gwahoddiadau i geisiadau gan sefydliadau gan gynnwys Ysgolion Cynradd ac Uwchradd y Drenewydd, allfeydd cyfryngau lleol, a gwirfoddolwyr cymunedol. Er enghraifft, gall rhaglenni addysgol mewn ysgolion chwarae rhan hanfodol wrth ddysgu plant am werth cynnal yr amgylchedd a’u hannog i gymryd rhan weithgar mewn cadw’r dref yn lân.

Bydd £1,000 pellach yn cael ei ddyrannu i gefnogi amrywiol brosiectau trafnidiaeth cymunedol. Gall ceisiadau gynnwys cynigion megis cynlluniau rhannu ceir, pyllau car a charafán trydan, bysiau ysgolion cymunedol a rhaglenni beicio, a diwrnodau heb draffig. Y nod yw lleihau ôl troed carbon y dref, hyrwyddo ffyrdd iachach o fyw, a lleddfu heriau trafnidiaeth i drigolion.

Mae’r mentrau hyn yn rhan o strategaeth ehangach y Drenewydd i feithrin cymuned gynaliadwy a bywiog. Mae’r cyngor yn annog sefydliadau lleol i gymryd rhan yn y rhaglenni hyn a chyfrannu at ymdrechion parhaus y dref i wella safonau byw ac iechyd amgylcheddol.

Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer rownd mis Hydref o Grantiau Cronfa Gymunedol yw hanner nos ar 30 Medi. Gwneir gwahoddiadau i geisiadau ar gyfer themâu blaenoriaeth a themâu nad ydynt yn flaenoriaeth.

Am becynnau cais a mwy o wybodaeth am ein grantiau cymunedol, ewch i’n gwefan yn, anfonwch e-bost atom yn, neu ffoniwch ni ar 01686 625544.

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