The public toilet facilities located at the Gravel Car Park, serving as an essential facility for both residents and visitors, is poised for a substantial renovation. Since its formal transfer from Powys Council to the Town Council in 2018, the facility has faced increasing challenges due to wear and tear, to a degree to merit renovations.

Recognising the importance of maintaining essential amenities to a high standard, your Town Council has proposed a comprehensive overhaul. This solution entails the complete removal of existing fixtures and a redesign of the internal layout to better serve the community’s needs.

The proposed redesign aims to accommodate up to five externally accessible toilet cubicles, with three designated as gender-neutral and separate facilities for male and female use. Additionally, the renovation will include the installation of ‘changing places’ facilities, a disabled toilet, and a dedicated baby changing area with toilet, ensuring accessibility for all members of the community. The inclusion of ‘changing places’ is particularly significant and will be the only such publicly owned facility for many miles.

In order to help fund this vital project, your Town Council has proactively sought various grant funding opportunities including the Transforming Towns fund and potential grants from organisations such as the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund and PAVO. The town council is committed to pursuing all available avenues to secure necessary funding.

The council is committed to ensuring that the Gravel Car Park’s public toilets meet the highest standards of accessibility and inclusivity. The transformation of these facilities will not only enhance the town’s infrastructure but also foster a more welcoming environment for everyone.


Mae’r cyfleusterau toiledau cyhoeddus sy’n lleoli ar Faes Parcio Gravel, sy’n gwasanaethu fel cyfleuster hanfodol i’r preswylwyr ac ymwelwyr, ar fin cael adnewyddiad sylweddol. Ers ei drosglwyddiad ffurfiol gan Gyngor Powys i Gyngor y Dref yn 2018, mae’r cyfleuster wedi wynebu heriau cynyddol o ganlyniad i’r gwastraff ac ynteu i gymryd adnewyddiadau.

Gan gydnabod pwysigrwydd cynnal cyfleusterau hanfodol i safon uchel, mae eich Cyngor Tref wedi cynnig diweddariad cynhwysfawr. Mae’r ateb hwn yn cynnwys tynnu’r offer presennol yn llwyr ac ail-ddylunio’r trefniant mewnol i wasanaethu’n well anghenion y gymuned.

Mae’r cynllun ail-ddylunio arfaethedig yn anelu at gynnwys hyd at bum cwbiwl toiled allanol, gyda thair yn cael eu dynodi fel niwtral-gender ac adnoddau ar wahân ar gyfer defnydd gan ddynion a menywod. Yn ogystal, bydd yr adnewyddiad yn cynnwys gosod adnoddau ‘changing places’, toiled anabl, ac ardal gyfrwng newid baban gyda thiolêt, gan sicrhau hygyrchedd i holl aelodau’r gymuned. Mae cynnwys ‘changing places’ yn arbennig o bwysig a bydd yr unig gyfleuster o’r fath a berchnogir yn gyhoeddus am filltiroedd lawer.

Er mwyn helpu i ariannu’r prosiect hanfodol hwn, mae eich Cyngor Tref wedi chwilio’n rhagweithiol am wahanol gyfleoedd cyllid grant gan gynnwys cronfa Trawsnewid Trefi a grantiau posibl gan sefydliadau fel Cronfa Cancer Lingen Davies a PAVO. Mae’r cyngor tref yn ymrwymedig i ddilyn pob ffordd sydd ar gael i sicrhau’r cyllid angenrheidiol. Mae’r cyngor wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod toiledau cyhoeddus Maes Parcio Gravel yn bodloni safonau hygyrchedd a chynhwysiant uchaf. Bydd trawsffurfio’r cyfleusterau hyn nid yn unig yn gwella isadeiledd y dref ond hefyd yn meithrin amgylchedd mwy croesawgar i bawb.

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